Claude Monet’s Plum Trees in Blossom at Vetheuil 1879.

Firstly, welcome to my blog! As I have been getting everything set up for this I have actually come to dislike the word ‘blog’. If words had an image, I feel like blog would look like the cross between a Lord of Rings orc and the Goonies monster. With my thoughts on the imagery of words aside, I think it’s important that I dedicate my first post to talk about why I’m doing this, why it matters, and what exactly you can expect from these posts.

So, why a blog? Why not make videos on YouTube/TikTok/Instagram where they will likely get more views? My answer to these questions is multi-fold. As for the former, I’d say that I have a passion for the written word and I generally enjoy both reading and writing about a very wide variety of things. For the latter, I honestly might make videos on those platforms in the future in combination with this blog (because why not?).

The general purpose of this blog is to document my ideas related to various topics including but not limited to, history, art, music, politics, and science. Since I am interested in a lot of things you can expect to see rants, research, and analysis covering a lot of different topics. Finally, working on this blog matters to me because I think that it is important for everyone to openly share their ideas with the world, even if not many people see or hear them. Once again, thanks so much for taking the time to read this post, I will be back with another post soon.